K. Pottschmidt (1), I. Kreykenbohm (2,3), J. Wilms (4), W. Coburn (5), R. E. Rothschild (1), P. Kretschmar (6), V. McBride (7), S. Suchy (1), R. Staubert (2)
(1) University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA
(2) Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
(3) Integral Science Data Centre, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
(4) University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
(5) University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
(6) European Space Astronomy Centre, Villafranca, Spain
(7) Southampton University, Southampton, UK
ApJ 634, L97-L100 (2005)
Abstract. We present an analysis of the 2-150 keV spectrum of the transient X-ray pulsar V0332+53 taken with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in 2004 December. We report on the detection of three cyclotron resonance features at 27, 51, and 74 keV in phase averaged data, corresponding to a polar magnetic field of 2.7 x 1012 G. After 4U0115+63, this makes V0332+53 the second accreting neutron star in which more than two cyclotron lines have been detected; this has now also been comfirmed by INTEGRAL. Pulse phase spectroscopy reveals remarkably little variability of the cyclotron line through the 4.4sec X-ray pulse.Key words: pulsars: individual (V0332+53) - stars: flare - stars: magnetic fields - X-rays: binaries - X-rays: stars
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