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ORFEUS-SPAS II Sticker STS-80 Mission Logo


ORFEUS-SPAS II started aboard space shuttle Columbia on mission STS-80 into space. Launch date was Nov. 19, 1996, landing was Dec. 7, 1996 . Mission duration was 17 days 15 hr 53 min 18 sec, which was the longest shuttle flight to date. ORFEUS-SPAS II was flying free for 14 days. 50% of the planned observation time was reserved for guest observers.

The ORFEUS-SPAS II total instrument operation time was 263.0 hours, while the net integration time was 164.9 hours, resulting in an efficiency of 62.5% for all instruments. This is an extremely high value as compared to other satellite missions.

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Last modified 07 May 2004
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