
Final announcement
1st announcement
Final Announcement
Tübingen, Germany, July 17, 2010
Dear colleagues,
our workshop is coming close and the preparations are almost
Please find all details on the programme, conference venue as
well as travel informations at our webpage.
The weather forecast - maybe not very reliable now - shows a
cloudy day, e.g.
(german only).
Be aware that we will have a BBQ party in the institute's garden
at the end of our scientific programme and you may need a
jacket or something similar.
On behalf of SOC and LOC,
Tony Lynas-Gray and Thomas Rauch
Tübingen, 8.7.2010
1st Announcement
Tübingen, Germany, July 17, 2010
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the workshop
The Late Stages of Stellar Evolution: Some Problems and Prospects,
to be held in Tübingen on July 17, 2010. This workshop takes place
on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Tony Lynas-Gray.
There are invited speakers only. However, the workshop is open for
any professional astronomer, friends, and family.
Invited Speakers
W.-R. Hamann |
Inhomogeneous Stellar Winds |
U. Heber |
SdB and SdO stars |
S. Jeffery |
Stellar Model-Atmosphere and Line-Formation Calculations |
D. Kilkenny |
Changing periods and amplitudes in evolved stars |
D. Korčáková |
Radiative Transfer in Axial Symmetry |
A. E. Lynas-Gray |
Future Directions and Prospects |
Ph. Podsiadlowski |
UV Upturn in Giant Elliptical Galaxies |
J. Puls |
Radiation-Driven Winds from Hot Stars |
T. Rauch |
The Eclipsing sdO Binary AA Dor |
D. Schönberner |
Planetary Nebulae: Near and Far |
J. Tennyson |
Molecules in Astrophysics |
If you are interested to participate, please fill out the registration form on our web page before the stated deadline.
These is no registration fee.
We suggest to book your hotel room early because Tübingen is a touristic place.
We have reserved six rooms at the Hotel Sand that is only 200m from the conference venue.
Please indicate "Teilnahme Workshop Astrophysik/Tübingen" at the online reservation
for this hotel.
Please email to our secretary in case that you need help.
Contact addresses:
Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics
Eberhard Karls University
72076 Tübingen
Tel: +49 7071 2972486
Fax: +49 7071 293458
Scientific Organising Committee:
(United Kingdom)
Local Organising Committee:
We look forward to see you at Tübingen.
Warmest regards,
J. Puls and T. Rauch
Tübingen, Mar 31, 2010
Final announcement
1st announcement