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All commands are not case sensitive. Colours must be given in HTML form. The name of the plots as well as all names within a plot must be unique.
"*" can be used in the config file as the comment sign.
The following commands are only for the template v1.0 (http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/~TVIS/tpl/v1.0/index.html).

Main Command

Command Description
\Plot <name> Every plot has to start with this and all commands till to the next \PLOT command describe a plot unit.

Plotter layout

Command Description
\OUTER-BACKGROUND-COLOUR <colour> Set the colour of the background
\INNER-BACKGROUND-COLOUR <colour> Set the colour of the plot box
\PLOTBOX-COLOUR <colour> Set the edge colour of the plot box
\FONTSIZE <size> Set the font size
\FONT-COLOUR <colour> Set the font colour
\HEADER <header> Set the header
\X-AXIS-LEGEND <legend> Set the lable of the x-axis
\Y-AXIS-LEGEND <legend> Set the lable of the y-axis


Parameters for the axis

Command Description
\X-MIN <min> Set the minimum of the x-axis
\X-MAX <max> Set the maximum of the x-axis
\X-SPLITTING <splitting> Set the seperations of the ticks
\X-TICKLABEL <label> Set the positions of the tick labels
\Y-MIN <min> Set the minimum of the y-axis
\Y-MAX <max> Set the maximum of the y-axis
\Y-SPLITTING <splitting> Set the seperations of the ticks
\Y-TICKLABEL <label> Set the positions of the tick labels
\X-SCROLLABLE <true|false> Should the plot box be scrollable? Default: false
\X-SCROLLINTERVAL <interval> Set the displayed interval of the x-axis
\X-SCROLLSTEP <splitting> Set the scroll velocity of the x-axis for the mouse wheel
\X-TICK-BOTTOM <true|false> Do you want to see the ticks at the bottom? Default: true
\X-TICK-TOP <true|false> Do you want to see the ticks at the top? Default: true
\X-TICK-LEGEND <true|false> Do you want to see the labels of the ticks? Default: true
\Y-TICK-LEFT <true|false> Do you want to see the ticks at the left side? Default: true
\Y-TICK-RIGHT <true|false> Do you want to see the ticks at the right side? Default: true
\Y-TICK-LEGEND <true|false> Do you want to see the labels of the ticks? Default: true
\TICK-LENGTH-SMALL <length> Set the length of the small tick
\TICK-LENGTH-LARGE <length> Set the length of the large tick


Data (data points)

"*" can be used in the data file as the comment sign.

Command Description
\DATA LOAD <name> <url> <x-column> <y-column> [grid] Loads a x-y-table from a specific URL
The grid parameter is optional
\DATA COLOUR <name> <colour> Set the colour of the object
\DATA CALC <name> X+ <number> Add a number to all x-values
\DATA CALC <name> X- <number> Subtract a number of all x-values
\DATA CALC <name> X* <number> Multiply all x-values by a number
\DATA CALC <name> X/ <number> Divide all x-values by a number
\DATA CALC <name> XLOG <number> Take the logarithm of all x-values
\DATA CALC <name> XDEX <number> Withdraw the logarithm of all x-values
\DATA CALC <name> Y+ <number> Add a number to all y-values
\DATA CALC <name> Y- <number> Subtract a number of all y-values
\DATA CALC <name> Y* <number> Multiply all y-values by a number
\DATA CALC <name> Y/ <number> Divide all y-values by a number
\DATA CALC <name> YLOG <number> Take the logarithm of all y-values
\DATA CALC <name> YDEX <number> Withdraw the logarithm of all y-values



The identifications in a file must have the following syntax: <wavelength|x-position> <name>

Command Description
\IDENT LOAD <name> <url> Loads all identifications from a specific file
\IDENT COLOUR <name> <colour> Set the colour of the identifications
\IDENT Y-POS <name> <y-pos> Set the y-position (in units) of the identifications


Please do not hesitate to should any question arise.

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