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In the framework of the Tübingen German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) project, we have developed the registered Tübingen Visualization tool (TVIS) that allows the user to plot data the easy way. The plotter itself is written in HTML5 and Javascript. To strongly increase the security of this web application, no Flash or Java is necessary to use it, i.e., TVIS will even work when Flash is dead and Java applets are blocked by the browsers.

How to use

There are a varity of possibilities to use this application. The easiest way is the <embed> tag that calls the template of the first version (v1.0).

width and height represent the dimension of the embed object, not of the plot box. So, it makes more sense to set the dimension of the plot box and then fit the embed object. This can be easily achieved with the following.

Specific commands for the plotter have to be written in a plot config file. The user can commit it with the following line.

Keep in mind, that you should use &amp; in the URL instead of &.


All commands that are available for the respective template and some examples can be found here. If you feel that a useful command is missing, please let us know.


To improve the performance of TVIS, the user should only use data files that fit exactly the visible interval of the plot range. To modify an ensemble of data points, i.e., a spectrum, we have developed the TVISDataChanger. This little tool allows the user to cut, re-grid, and convole (Gaussian or box profile) an ensemble of data points.

The tool is written in Java and can be downloaded here.

Note: We have used the source code from www.java2s.com for the interpolation method.

TVIS interactive

To allow the independent and basic analysis of stellar spectra, we have developed the TVIS interactive plotter. It enables the user to plot the spectrum in question with the corresponding synthetic spectra without having to set up configuration files first. Thus, simple preliminary results can be achieved in short time.


In this section we want to show the energy distribution of a few objects.

Please do not hesitate to should any question arise.

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