In the framework of the Virtual Observatory, the GAVO project provides theoretical spectral energy distributions (SEDs). In a pilot phase, only TMAP NLTE model atmospheres for hot, compact stars are available via the TheoSSA service. TheoSSA gives a VO user easy access to pre-calculated SED grids. In case that no suitable SED is available, the VO user is guided to TMAW, a WWW interface to calculate SEDs using TMAP. TMAW is using the model atoms which are provided here. We start to provide here some basic model atoms and will add more in future. |
A detailed explanation of the keywords etc. used in these files is given in the TMAP User's Guide. The model ions which are provided for the calculation of the SEDs have to be adjusted in accordance with the model ions used for the model-atmosphere calculation. The list of NLTE levels has to be the same in order to avoid LTE occupation numbers which result in unreliable strengths of lines which arise from these levels. Cut the respective NLTE levels then and paste them in the LTE section. |
H |
He | |||||||||||||||
Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne | ||||||||||
Na | Mg | Al | Si | P | S | Cl | Ar | ||||||||||
K | Ca | Sc | Ti | V | Cr | Mn | Fe | Co | Ni | Cu | Zn | Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr |
Rb | Sr | Y | Zr | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag | Cd | In | Sn | Sb | Te | I | Xe |
Cs | Ba | 57 - 71 | Hf | Ta | W | Re | Os | Ir | Pt | Au | Hg | Tl | Pb | Bi | Po | At | Rn |
Fr | Ra | 89 - 103 | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og |
57 - 71 | La | Ce | Pr | Nd | Pm | Sm | Eu | Gd | Tb | Dy | Ho | Er | Tm | Yb | Lu | ||
89 - 103 | Ac | Th | Pa | U | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | Lr |
HydrogenA complete model atom (H I - II) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2). |
HeliumTwo complete model atoms are provided (not processed by ATOMS2) for different Teff ranges. |
CarbonA complete model atom (C I - VII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7, examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+C models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+C models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) |
NitrogenA complete model atom (N I - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7, examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+N models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+N models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) |
OxygenA complete model atom (O I - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7, examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+O models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+O models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) |
FluorineA preliminary model atom (F II - X) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7, examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+F models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+F models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) |
NeonA complete model atom (Ne I - XI) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7 (9 at Teff = 500 kK), examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+Ne models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+Ne models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) The Ne VIII model ion was used in Werner, Rauch & Kruk 2007, A&A, 474, 591. |
SodiumA complete model atom (Na I - XII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
MagnesiumA complete model atom (Mg I - XIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). For log g = 7 (9 at Teff > 300 kK), examples for model ions in an approximate Teff range are given (not processed by ATOMS2). These are, e.g., automatically selected for model-atmosphere calculations via TMAW, the TMAP WWW interface. The example plots (H+Mg models) show the dominant ionization stages for selected Teff. (These H+Mg models were calculated for test reasons only and, thus, may not be fully converged in the outer atmospheres.) |
AluminiumA complete model atom (Al I - XIV) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
SiliconA complete model atom (SI I - XV) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
PhosphorusA complete model atom (P I - XVI) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
SulfurA complete model atom (S I - XVII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
ChlorineA preliminary model atom (Cl I - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
ArgonA preliminary model atom (Ar II - X) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
CalciumPreliminary model atoms (Ca I - IV and Ca VIII - XII) are provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
ZincA preliminary model atom (Zn II - VI) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
GermaniumA preliminary model atom (Ge III - VII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
ArsenicA preliminary model atom (As IV - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
BromineA preliminary model atom (Br IV - IX) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
KryptonA preliminary model atom (Kr III - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
TechnetiumGrotrian diagrams are provided below. |
TinA preliminary model atom (Sn II - VII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
AntimonyA preliminary model atom (Sb IV - IX) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
XenonA preliminary model atom (Xe III - VIII) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
BariumA preliminary model atom (Ba IV - IX) is provided (not processed by ATOMS2 - please read the header for the sources of the atomic data). For model-atmosphere calculations, this model atom has to be individually adjusted depending on Teff and log g (for further details and the use of ATOMS2, please have a look into the TMAP User's Guide). |
When publishing research making use of this tool, please acknowledge:
"The TMAD tool ( used for this paper was constructed as part of the activities of the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory." |
Please do not hesitate to should any question arise. |